Friday, March 14, 2025

So Glad We're Friends 18

Mona Pendleton | Tuesday, June 16, 2009 @ 5:14 PM | , ,

So Glad We're Friends!

Hi There! This one is for ALL of you girls! :) Having this blog, has opened my eyes to how universal papercrafting / card making / scrapbooking is! Prior to starting Cupcake's Creations, I would browse the gallery on Splitcoast, not even knowing that crafters had blogs, sharing tidbits about their personal lives & the inspiration behind their creations. It is so fascinating to me, personally, & exciting to see that people from all around the world are interested in my creations! :) Believe it or not, before my Cyber Girl Friends, I only had 3 girlfriends locally who do any sort of papercrafting! :) I work with over 75 girls in the Operating Room & not one of them are crafty in anyway, shape or form & not even remotely interested! :( I have to say though, they sure do like to get a lil' creation made with love from me. :) Thanks so much for all of your support, comments and visits! XOXO My color choice for this card is inspired by Dawn McVey's Raspberry Suite Color Challenge #9 & the sketch layout is inspired by the Card Positioning Systems 120 sketch, CPS 120. I do not have PTI Grass Green so I used SU Old Olive instead. I just had to make another distressed flower following Dawn McVey's intructions! These little guys are sooo simple, yet I think they look quite elegant! I hope you like it! Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog and browse. Please feel free to show me some love & leave a comment! Always nice to hear from you! :) Be Sweet! Until next time...

Ingredients Used:

Paper: SU Very Vanilla, Old Olive, Basic Black

Ink: SU Old Olive, Basic Black

Stamps: SU Best Yet, Stitched Exotics, K&Company Mad
eline Clear Stamps

Sprinkles: Making Memories brad, Offray ribbon, C
uttlebug Textile Texture EF, SU distressing tool

post signature


18 Sweet Comments So Far:

Unknown 1 said...

Your card is gorgeous!!

Jen Johnson 2 said...

Really beautiful card Mona! Truly gorgeous! Wow!

Nancy Jensen 3 said...

Hi Mona, I was blog hopping and came across your lovely blog! I'm in Tucson, AZ so hello, neighbor! hehe!

I did a little snooping around and love what I see. Part of my problem is that I spend so much time ooooing and ahhhing over other people's creations and blog hopping that I don't get much crafting done myself. lol But anyway, I just wanted to stop by and say HI!

Shana 4 said...

Gorgeous and OH SO ELEGANT!

RobinH 5 said...

Yes, it's funny how few of my friends are even remotely interested in this magnificent hobby! It's even more amazing how the web has made us all a close community.
Btw, I love this card to death! So amazing! I find myself wanting to tell you that this is your best ever but I know I've said that before and then you come up with something even more special!
Well, I guess I just have to say it again, THIS IS YOUR BEST CARD EVER!

RobinH 6 said...

PS: It's pretty cool that you have so many followers on a non-commercial blog. You should be proud of yourself! I think they follow because it's pretty easy to recognize talent!

LeAnne 7 said...

Mona, this is just gorgeous! I LOVE this flower--so elegant with that gorgeous center and the background is so nicely done!

Teresa 8 said...

Wow what a great card! Your flower is just wonderful. Thanks so much for joining the challenge with the bananas

AimeeOh 9 said...

Honestly, Mona, how do you keep making such beautiful things! I'm jealous. This is definitely one of your best ever! That flower is terrific!

Karen 10 said...

What an elegant card to showcase and enter both challenges! I love how your handmade flower a la Dawn came out!! Gorgeous! :>

Mercedes 11 said...

Quite an impressive card! Your design is stunning! Love that flower! You should win BOTH challenges! I just love visiting your blog!

Emma.H.Paulson 12 said...

Great blog, Mona! You have some spectacular designs here! Can't believe this isn't your "day job". You have real talent! Keep it going.

This card has your signature all over it. So elegant and balanced. Have you ever been published? Thanks for sharing!

Helen Watanabi 13 said...

Mona, great job, this is your prettiest card ever! Love that flower!

Andrea Lombard 14 said...

OMG, Mona! Awesome design on this one! I wish I had your talent! So much fun to visit your blog; a surprise everytime!

JennyGerber 15 said...

Mona,love this design! I'm going to give that flower that you made so beautifully a try on my next card! I'll send you a picture if it turns out nice (won't be as awesome as yours)!

Mona Pendleton 16 said...

Hi Girls! Thank you leaving me all these nice comments. I am flattered! :) I always check to see if any of you have blogs or galleries, if so I leave some love! :) I would love to see any of your creations, so you can always e-mail an attachment to me! :) Hugs, Mona

Susan Mast 17 said...

Love that handcrafted flower! Perfect touch for this lovely card!

Unknown 18 said...

It's pretty cool that you have so many followers on a non-commercial blog. You should be proud of yourself! I think they follow because it's pretty easy to recognize talent!

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Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

Cupcake's Creations Copyright © 2010 Prozine - Designed by Lasantha customized by Scott Pendleton for Mona
Banner graphic elements courtesy: House of Three
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