Sunday, December 23, 2012

Wrapping it up...

Hi there! Hope you are all having a great weekend! I have a few photos to share from Jerry's graduation ceremony on Friday. I won't babble on but I must say, I'm so proud of him :) 

I spent some time today finishing up several gift card boxes that I have been working on. I pulled out my Cricut Expressions machine and made a few boxes using the Bags, Tags, Boxes and More cartridge along with patterned paper from the Pink Paislee City Sidewalks collection. The boxes measure 4 1/2" W x 4" H x 1/2" D, perfect size to house gift cards :)
This year, I didn't shop for my son's sweet GF April, we bought her gift cards to several of her favorite stores so she can shop for herself. I'm so proud of her because she wanted to lose weight, she put the effort into it and has successfully lost over 20 lbs. So we thought she would have more fun shopping for herself :) The tag on this gift box was made using Die-namics Tag You're It and Stamp Set. I stamped the tag image using MFT Wild Cherry ink, adhered an embellishment on that was made using a die from Die-namics Dizzy Doily DUO along with a fan fold decoration that was made using Die-namics 1/4" Rosette then finished it with a Wild Cherry button and a hemp bow.
The inside features a gift card pocket using the Die-namics Gift Card Pocket - Horizontal die then stamped a sentiment from Seasonal Sentiments using Wild Cherry ink.
The next gift box features an embellishment made using the following combination of MFT products: Die-namics Snowflake Doily, Die-namics Decorative Doily DUODie-namics 1/4" Rosette, Sno Cone button and hemp.
This gift box also contains a pocket that was made using the Die-namics Gift Card Pocket - Horizontal die then stamped a sentiment from Seasonal Sentiments using Wild Cherry ink.
The next gift box features an embellishment made using the following combination of MFT products: Die-namics Jumbo Snowflake, Die-namics Open Scallop Doily DUODie-namics 1/4" RosetteSno Cone button and hemp:
The inside contains a gift pocket made using Die-namics Gift Card Pocket - Vertical that was stamped with a sentiment from LJD Stitched Stockings
And last but not least is a gift box for Jerry featuring an embellishment made using the following combination of MFT products: Die-namics Decorative Circle STAX, Die-namics Dainty Doily DUODie-namics 1/4" Rosette, a Wild Cherry button and a hemp bow:
The inside contains a gift pocket made using Die-namics Gift Card Pocket - Vertical that was stamped with a stamped sentiment from  from Seasonal Sentiments:
Thanks so much for visiting! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
Be Sweet ;)
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  1. Hi Mona!!

    Wowww what a fab pic - thank you for sharing and WELL DONE JERRY!!! I can see the pride in your eyes and rightly so!

    These gifts are so gorgeously wrapped... it's such a shame to open them!!

    Christine x

  2. Congrats to your family...a wonderful day for you all!! Love~love your gift make me want to fire up the old love my Cricuit, so love to see great uses for it...these are gorgeous...thanks for sharing!! Have a Merry Christmas!!

  3. Congrats to your son on his graduation Mona, you look so proud and happy all together, a fabulous picture of his special day.
    I love your sweet gift boxes in these festive papers, and the great die cut toppers really add that Christmas spirit!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family and a peaceful new year xx

  4. Congratulations to your son!! Great pictures!!

    Love your gift wrapping! Beautiful presents!!

    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas Mona!! All the very best to you for 2013!! xx

  5. Congratulations to Jerry, I know how proud you are of him. I am sure April will appreciate the gift cards and pretty packaging. :)

  6. Oh it will make me cry, congrats to your son Jerry!Nothing better then a proud momma moment!
    bet sweet April will love her gifts and these wonderful designs.
    Merry Christmas sweetie

  7. Another milestone! Congratulations to Jerry and you for getting him there Mona! No easy job being a mom!! Your gift card boxes are beautiful - so much love and detail put into each one!

  8. Congratulations to your son. A fabulous achievement. I love all your gift boxes, all different and all beautiful.

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for 2013. xx

  9. WOW, what a fabulous post, Mona! Thanks for sharing your son's wonderful graduation! What an incredible accomplishment! Love those photos! Also, love all your gorgeous gift packages; they are all magnificent! TFS!

  10. LOVE the graduation photos, Mona! Good thing Scott has such a great camera to get those FAB pics! LOVE the gift boxes - each and every one! Have a very Merry Christmas!

  11. Congrats! That ranks right up there with the best Christmas presents a family could get. :) Merry Christmas!

  12. beautiful boxes and gift card holders. Congratulations to your handsome son, you can see the pride on your face and love that he has those same dimples as you do :-) Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  13. Mona, you look super proud of your son :) !!! Congratulation to Jerry! All of your gift wrapping ideas are awesome too! Merry Christmas to you and your family...hugs ~S~

  14. Wow, what an awesome achievement; you must be so proud! Thanks for sharing the awesome photos! Beautiful family! Beautiful and very creative gift boxes! perfect for those gift cards! Merry Christmas!

  15. Beautiful boxes, Mona! Love the pretty papers! Congrats on your son's graduation! How exciting!

  16. Such beautiful boxes Mona and congrats on your son's graduation! It's a beautiful picture of the 3 of you! Thanks so much for the lovely comment you left on my blog! Wishing you and your family a blessed and joyous Christmas too!

  17. Big Congratulations for your son! What a fabulous achievement! You look like a very proud mama! Thanks for sharing these beautiful gift boxes too! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!

  18. Lovely photos ... TFS! And terrific gift boxes too! Have a wonderful Christmas

  19. Big Congrats to Jerry! Love your lovely gift packaging ideas Mona! Wishing you a Blessed Christmas!

  20. Liebe Mona,
    Ihrem Sohn gratuliere ich herzlich zu seinem Abschluss.
    Ich bewundere Ihre tollen Verpackzungen und wünsche Ihnen und Ihrer Familie ein wunderschönes Weihnachtsfest.
    Alles Liebe, Bärbel

  21. Wonderful photos, Mona! Love how you packaged up these gift cards! Merry Christmas!

  22. Congratulations to you and your son! I love these pretty gift boxes! Brilliant!

  23. Congratulations to Jerry!! How exciting and definitely a proud mama moment :) Great pictures but love the picture of the three of you! Wonderful projects as usual - so inspired by your creativity :) Hope you and Scott, the rest of the family have a FABULOUS Christmas and a great 2013. Hope to see you soon and give you a hug!! xo

  24. Love the pics...Congrats to Jerry and I can see you are one proud mom! Love the gift card holders....fabulous!

  25. Congratulations to Jerry! Beautiful photos! Love your gorgeous gift boxes! I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! Hugs

  26. Wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing this awesome occasion with us! You must be so proud! LOVE your gift card boxes! So beautiful and useful!

  27. Thanks for sharing your son's wonderful graduation photos! Awesome accomplishment for him! You look so proud!
    Your gift boxes are gorgeous! I love the beautiful papers you used! Have a very Merry Christmas!

  28. Merry Christmas to you and your family! What lovely photos of the graduation! Your packages are all beautiful! I imagine under your tree it must look very elegant!

  29. What a fabulous graduation photo!!! Congrats!!!

    Your boxes are so pretty! I bought the vertical GC pocket and used it on quite a few cards for gifts! LOVED it...made such fun cards.

    Hope you had a fabulous Christmas!

  30. Big congrats Mona! What wonderful news! You must be so proud!

  31. Mona, congrats to your boy and to you! well done! very nice family photo (though only 3 of you :-))
    your boxes are very pretty - nice little gifts just as it is!
    Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and your loved ones! wising you all the best! ♥

  32. Congrats to Jerry on his big graduation day!! And to April on her weight loss ~ how wonderful. Your gift boxes are stunning! I hope you and your family had a lovely and blessed Christmas!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  33. A BIG congrats to Jerry!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Wow! These boxes are absolutely fabulous! So, so beautiful!!!!!!!!!

  34. CONGRATS to Jerry!!!! What a GREAT family photo!!!
    I LOVE the gift boxes Mona they are all so PRETTY!!
    Hope you had a VERY Merry Christmas!!

  35. Congrat's to your son and it's so awesome you are making things you are actually going to use, lol. If only I could do that as well, lol. I love them all.


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