Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Just You...OUAS November

Hi there! I can't believe it is only hours away from November 1st! That means it's time for an all new Once Upon A Sketch Challenge! Here's the fun sketch we will be playing with all month long and the theme is "ANYTHING GOES" which means the theme of your choice but remember, you MUST include journaling somewhere on your layout. 
This layout is all about sweet 22 year old daughter Angie. Being completely honest here, I'm not a big fan of all her tattoos or the fact that she opted out of attending college for now. I try to keep an open mind and remind myself that she is chasing her dreams and is healthy. Angie is a crazy talented artist and of course, I would love to see her pursue that career but she opted to turn her bicycle riding hobby into a job for now. She is currently riding professionally on an International competitive team and is sponsored by various companies. You can read about her here: BMX Transworld. When Angie decides she is through with bike riding, I hope she enrolls in college. After all, she is only 22. I returned to college for 5 years when I was 25 so it's never to late and hopefully she will do the same :)
To create this layout, I started with a piece of Pink Paislee's Portfolio - Remarkable patterned paper. For some texture, I applied Gesso to a stencil then added color using heidi swapp Color shine Mustard
Once the background was dry, I added lots of spritzed manufactured white paper flowers using the following heidi swapp Color shine spritzes: Primrose, Georgia Peach, Sweet CherryMustard, Black Velvet and Tinsel. The white pretty doilies peeking out are Elements from the Pink Paislee Artisan Collection:
Thanks so much for visiting! For some AMAZING International inspiration and complete details, please refer to the Once Upon A Sketch Challenge blog.
Be Sweet :)

Other supplies used:
Chipboard Title from Imaginarium Designs
post signature


  1. I know you are proud of her and hope she follows her dream...but as mothers we always see other possibilities.
    She is a beauty and so are her beautiful daughter also has many and try hard not to comment.
    Such a beautiful layout sweetie

  2. Absolutely gorgeous layout, Mona! Love all the pretty clusters of flowers and embellishments! Thanks for sharing Angie's story with us too! I am sure everything will work out great for her! It is often difficult for us as parents to allow our children to pursue their dreams if it is not in line with ours! Thanks again!

  3. Love all of the fun elements and funky flowers Mona! The gears and light bulb are fab. Your daughter is such a pretty girl! Our son went to college to teach high school Math and didn't go into that field. He owns two veterinary clinics and is the practice manager. Go figure...guess he still uses that math though LOL!!

  4. Mona, this is such an incredible LO! I love the colors and the mixed media elements! Love how you mixed the softness of the flowers with the industrial feel of the gears and light bulb! So creative! Your daughter's skin art is amazing! Thanks for sharing your story!

  5. Mona, I love your beautiful layout! Amazing photo of your daughter and the surrounding flowers are so magnificent!

  6. Beautiful work, Mona! Your layouts are so inspiring! I love the lovely clusters of flowers and all the other gorgeous embellishments and colors and stenciling! Your talent is just overflowing! Also, thanks for sharing Angie's story! There is so much there to be proud of!

  7. Such a beautiful LO Mona! I love all the flowers and that very cool light bulb!! Very pretty embellies to show off your beautiful daughter. The story of your daughter made me smile because my youngest daughter also raced BMX. It is not easy to allow your children the space to grow and become their own person when we as mothers have our ideas but they seem to always find their niche and fill their roles successfully! AND my daughter did go to college & graduate, bet yours will too :)

  8. Seems like she has mad talent like her Mom and is expressing it in her own artistic ways. We all have a dream. At this point in my life I would kill to be able to ride a bike without fear of completely killing over, lol, better she stay in shape and have some fun. All the Mysteries of the work force will rear their ugly heads soon enough for her. Or maybe, just maybe, she will get picked up and be the next famous Lance Armstrong. Who knows. Love this layout and the great and beautiful flowers. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Beautiful and sweet, Mona! Love the gorgeous inked flowers and neat embellishments! Really one of your best ever! TFS!

  10. Mona, I love this layout! Those spritzed flowers are so beautiful! Love the pretty lettering and your journaling! Angie's tattoos are incredible! Thanks for sharing her story with us and your patience will definitely be rewarded! Thanks for cheering up my morning!

  11. Gosh Monda this is so beautiful. The colours are gorgeous and so feminine. Love the mixture of 'grunge' elements with such softness. Nicola x

  12. This is one beautiful LO and one beautiful daughter ... I'd be lying if I said I liked tattoos ... But I do appreciate the artistic talent ... As you say ... she's a healthy happy girl ... with a lovely Mom .... that's what counts ...

  13. Your layout is gorgeous! Love the combination of the pretty flowers and the grunge details, especially that little light bulb! Looks like to me, that you raised a strong independent woman! You go girl!!!

  14. Mona this is an AMAZING layout and your daughter is beautiful! Love all the gorgeous flowers, flourishes and that COOL lightbulb! I agree with all of the comments above - not sure i can add anything new, but i think ts all credit to you that she feels able to pursue creative adventures. Sounds like Angie knows her own mind. I went to University and got my degree because it was expected of me - but was definitely not true to what I wanted. I wish her every success and happiness x

  15. This is one gorgeous page!!!!!!!! Love it!

  16. What a wonderful wonderful page Mona! and a lovely daughter persuing her dreams and the life she wants to live - now is certainly the time for her to do it!! My son also has full sleeve tats that bother me but I have to remember - it's his body and not mine!

    Love that light bulb and beautiful flowers!

  17. Gorgeous lay out Mona. She looks just like you too, such beautiful girl. So many kids in that age group are taking different directions. I was at a party last week where 3 couples described their kids college attendance as their 4th sophomore year. Some went back to community college,after going away for a year or 2, mine is still there for his 4th sophomore year. It felt good to know I was not alone. As long as they are good kids and not getting into trouble thank your lucky stars!

  18. Ein wunderschön gestaltetes Layout, Mona, Ihre Tochter wird später beim Betrachten liebevoll an die Mama denken.
    Die Tattoos selbst sind ebenfalls ein Kunstwerk und das schöne Foto ist eine wunderbares Motiv, die gefärbten Blüten und anderen Embellishments bilden einen tollen Rahmen für Ihr Kind.

  19. Gorgeous layout Mona! I love how you used the gesso and inked the white flowers! Absolutely stunning layout! So inspiring! Thanks for sharing your daughter's story with us! Amazing!

  20. Stunning LO, Mona! Love this perfect mix of grunge and feminine floral! Absolutely the perfect mix and it works so well with that photo of Angie! LOVE these colours too! You seem to have a happy daughter that knows what she wants and it sounds like she is happy and healthy! This is good!

  21. Beautiful card and beautiful daughter, Mona! Totally blown away by your fabulous design! These flowers are absolutely gorgeous and I love the mix of color and texture! Angie's skin art is amazing; not for me, but I do appreciate the art! Thanks so much for sharing this amazing post!

  22. Gorgeous layout, Mona! The background is stunning and the journaling so heartfelt. Angie is lucky to have your love and support as she pursues her dreams!

  23. Spectacular layout Mona! LOVE the beautiful clusters if flowers! The spritzed colors are so beautiful and I live the grungy embellishments too! Such a nice contrast with that awesome photo of your daughter!

  24. Amazing layout!!!! Love the gorgeous inked flowers and the beautiful photo of Angie! I think it's wonderful that you are letting her pursue her dream! Who knows where it will take her!

  25. Amazing layout Mona. I love how you mixed the elegant with the steampunk elements. Perfect for your photo. You so totally rocked this layout! WOW!

  26. Gorgeous layout, Mona!!! Love all the gorgeous flowers and flourishes! Really nice contrast with the grungy gears and cool lightbulb! I love the colors you chose too! What a neat keepsake! Love the backstory about fearless Angie! Thanks so much for sharing!

  27. Wow, Mona, another magnificent layout! Your layouts are a constant inspiration for me! I love how you colored these beautiful flowers and used the gears and flourishes! Thanks so much!

  28. Lovely layout, Mona! Angie's tattoos are amazing! I love your spritzed flowers and the grungy gears! That light bulb is awesome too! Thanks for this inspiring project!

  29. Love your layout, Mona, and your daughter is beautiful! The clusters of flowers really are so gorgeous and I love the pretty colour you added! I find myself wondering if these colours match Angie's tattoos! What amazing skin art too! TFS!

  30. Your gorgeous layout is so inspiring Mona - just love it!

    Your daughter is obviously a confident and strong lady - takes after her mother!

  31. Fabulous layout, Mona! Really love these gorgeous flowers, flourishes and those grungy elements like the light bulb and gears! All of this works so well with that beautiful photo of your talented daughter! You must be proud even if she's pursuing her own dreams. It's hard but I'm sure that it will be good for both of you!

  32. What a stunning layout of your beautiful daughter Mona, you are right to feel so proud of her achievements! I know that BMX riding is a tough sport, and she can do this while she is so young and fit and healthy. I love the beautiful flowers and subtle colours and spritzing you used to showcase this awesome photo of your girl.

  33. Amazing LO, Mona! Love these colors and all the gorgeous flowers! Your daughter is beautiful!

  34. Oh my goodness. What a gorgeous page. All those flowers look so pretty. And I LOVE the photo of your daughter. She is beautiful.

    Happy Friday my friend.


  35. So beautiful, Mona!!! Love the colored flowers and that awesome light bulb embellishment! Amazing artwork on Angie's arm! Thanks for sharing her story too!

  36. Gorgeous layout!!! Love the flowers!!! Your daughter is beautiful!

  37. Very beautiful! Love the soft flowers and the grungy embellishments! Your daughter's tattoos are amazing! Hope you have a great weekend!

  38. Such a beautiful LO for a beautiful girl. I always love all the distressing and feminine touches you add to your LO's. You are one proud momma. :)


  39. Amazing layout Mona. I really love all the flowers and that neat light bulb! The spritzed colors on those awesome flowers are so beautiful and I love all the fabulous and grungy embellishments too! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  40. WOW, a stunning layout of your beautiful daughter!!! Love here tattoos and you must be so proud of her accomplishments! I love the mix of flowers and grunge! The inked colors are magnificent! TFS!

  41. Your honesty struck a cord with me Mona. I love this beautiful LO and wish Angie all the best. Hugs

  42. Mona, I love your layout with your beautiful daughter! The surrounding flowers are absolutely devine! The colors are gorgeous and I love the industrial embellishments and girly flourishes! Nice contrast! Your designs are so inspiring! Thanks so much!

  43. Another magnificent layout! Love how you colored these beautiful flowers! Stunning! Also, your daughter is so pretty! I love her skin art and how your presented the photo in B&W! So creative! TFS!

  44. Absolutely stunning layout! I would love to case this one (and everyone you do)!! TFS!

  45. Wow!!!! Gorgeous layout!!! Your Angie is beautiful!!!

  46. Gorgeous LO! Really amazing flowers! I love that photo of your beautiful daughter! Hope you are having a great weekend!

  47. What a beauty; your daughter and this lovely card! I love the colors and the mixed media elements!

  48. Wauw, Mona! This is super super gorgeous! Love the photo as well, and you have made the perfect layout with it! A bit sweet and also bold! Love all the spray color that puts all the items together!! A true beauty!
    Hugs, Wendy

  49. Awesome layout! Love the photo of Angie; amazing tattoos! Those flowers are absolutely magnificent! Love how you colored them and those gears and light bulb are fabulous! Another stunning project! TFS and have a great week!

  50. Wow, Mona! Love the beautiful clusters of flowers and all those gorgeous embellishments, colors and stenciling! Really inspiring stuff! Your daughter is beautiful! TFS!

  51. Fabulous!!! Love the colors, sprays etc. I peeked at this the other day but, didn't have a chance to comment!! Yes, I'm like you....not a big tattoo fan but, I have a daughter that would die to have Angie's "sleeve"- see I've been taught some of the lingo!! Today tattoo's are considered a way of expressing yourself!! She's gorgeous and finding herself!

  52. Beautiful page of your talented daughter! Love the gorgeous flowers and the light bulb! Hugs

  53. Amazing layout Mona! Seriously love this one!! And go Angie! What a beautiful girl and good for her chasing her dream!!

  54. Amazing LO!! Love the texture and the gorgeous color you achieved with the misting. Such a beautiful daughter!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  55. stunning LO, Mona! I love the combo of the sweet gentle flowers and rough chipboard cogs. Beautiful project!


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